(888) 756-4876 info@upper1studios.com

Community Is Where The Heart Is

Upper One Cares about the development of our community, and we can help make a difference by providing our time and services. We make it easy for non-profit organizations to work with us on projects through donated time or in-kind donations utilizing discounted rates. 

Upper One Cares

How it Works:

Upper One Cares is a platform created by Upper One Studios Inc. for non-profit organizations to request discounted or in-kind digital marketing services such as video production and graphics. We care about our community leaders and aim to support as many non-profit organizations as possible.

Fill out the request form below and provide as many details as possible so we can properly assess our ability to fulfill your needs. Some examples include event videography, graphics for promotional materials, and silent auction donations. Requests are checked weekly and assessed on a monthly basis. If possible, please submit your request at least 30 days in advanced of the date you need our service.

After you submit the form, we will reach out to you by email or phone call to discuss your request.

*Upper One Studios Inc. is not fulfilling cash donations at this time.

“We understand how important it is for the community to work together for a brighter future and how vital it is in this economy to have affordable services to market your non-profit organization.” 


Type of Service Requested

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